Beloved Futures

S2 E3 | Rev Briana Lynn –None of us are free until all of us are free, a prayer for collective liberation and the dissolution of empire

Rev Briana Lynn, Aubrey Morgan Yee Season 2 Episode 3

 What does it mean to hold space for liberation, healing, and the sacred during times of profound change?
How do we navigate the dissolution of systems and empires while staying rooted in love and life?
In this episode of Beloved Futures, host Aubrey Morgan Yee is joined by the vibrant and inspiring Rev. Briana Lynn (RBL) who studies, teaches & facilitates experiences on the intersection of ancient earth-based sacred healing, revolution, liberation & social justice, AND nature, eros, & magic.

Rev. Briana Lynn has unrelenting passion for authenticity, equality, learning & deepening our connection to life, nature & The Great Mystery.
She is an accomplice to the liberation of all beings through naming the polycrisis (ecocide, genocide, femicide, suicide, homicide) & by sharing her learnings as a part of the polyresponse (including but not limited to) anti-racism work, decolonization in personal & community practices, deconstructing the patriarchy in every facet of life, & personal trauma healing.
Her current contributions include, international liberation teachings, key-note public speaking, 1:1 mentorship, large group facilitation, & overnight nature quests.

Briana has developed a safe, liberating, inclusive & practical spiritual & social justice community space for Rites of Liberation in The Mystery Schoolshe started. She also offers a 1:1 year-long Rites of Liberation Mentorship for those wanting support in personal, professional & their role in systemic liberation.
Rev. Briana Lynn is fierce in her compassion, she is pulsing with life-force and shamanic knowledge, dedicated to healing the earth and bringing humanity to our next evolution as creative beings in right relations with the more than human world.

In this conversation, Briana and I talk about the rooted reverence field being co-created by Free Palestine, the meeting of this moment in America as we witness the necessary dissolution of empire and the commitment to LOVE and centering life that accompanies a deep devotion to earth and her mysteries.

Key Takeaways:
• Liberation begins with unlearning oppressive systems and fostering accountability in ourselves and our communities.
• The power of connecting with the Earth, our ancestors, and sacred practices as a way to heal and grow.
• How to integrate Eros and creative energy into our lives for personal and collective transformation.
• The importance of creating spaces of refuge and safety for marginalized communities in the face of systemic challenges.
• A call to embody radical hope, cultivate community resilience, and co-create a thriving future.

I know you will enjoy this conversation and find within it the spaces of radical hope and radical accountability that are needed for the great turning. In this you will find your own invitation to your greatness.

With Love and Gratitude,

Aubrey Morgan Yee


You can find / follow Rev Briana Lynn here:





Instagram: @aubrey.morgan.yee
