Beloved Futures

E6 Alnoor Ladha

Aubrey Morgan Yee / Alnoor Ladha Season 1 Episode 6

My dear friend Alnoor is one of the most intelligent, articulate, prescient and generous humans I have had the privilege to know. He is an activist, journalist, political strategist, community organizer, Sufi mystic and psychic-architect of big dreams for our transition to post-capitalist, life-affirming futures of interdependance and grace. 

From 2012 to 2019 he was the co-founder and executive director of the global activist collective The Rules. He is currently the Council Chair for Culture Hack Labs, co-found of Transition Resrouce Circle and a visionary behind the incredible community - Brave Earth/Tierra Valiente, a center for applied cultural transition in the rain forests of Costa Rica. 

Alnoor breaks down the roots and rhizomatic shoots of the meta-crisis we face in this collective moment of existential threats to humans, other than humans and the planet. Offering pathways to become relevant and useful in this time - the time of the Kali Yuga - by harnessing the courage it takes to face our reality directly... with full compassion for our shared complicity. He invites us to see this lifetime as an assignment rather than an affliction. To take full responsibility for our place in the cosmos and our choice to be here at this time. This is a powerful conversation that you will not soon forget. 

"Your life is a comedic, shamanic, creative act and you must find your god-hood in the midst of the carnival."  ~ Alnoor Ladha

The Rules:
Brave Earth/Tierra Valiente:
Transition Resource Circle:
Culture Hack Labs:



Instagram: @aubrey.morgan.yee
